Waltz In Exile

26 September 2008, 9:51 pm
Filed under: Goats, P2, P3 | Tags: , ,

The goats are all settled down for their Friday night movie time in Goat #1’s room, and the DVD is still showing previews when Goat #2 bursts into the office, so excited she’s tripping over her own feet, to ask me: “Mama? Mama, can I have dat Polly Pocket moobie? I loooooooove dat Polly Pocket!” Continue reading

Over herd in the Haute
20 September 2008, 10:15 pm
Filed under: Goats, Over Herd, P3 | Tags: ,

Gee, do you think someone’s watching too much TV….?

Goat Mama: I’m sorry, Pretty Pretty Princess, but I have looked EVERYwhere in this house, and I cannot find your movie. Continue reading

2 July 2008, 11:06 pm
Filed under: Goats | Tags: , ,

It’s 7:15, and I’m trying to speed-clean the kitchen while P2 and P3 are being supervised by Noggin. They’re being pretty quiet, especially for goats. Just when the quiet has lasted so long that I’m starting to wonder what sort of sneakifying is going on (perhaps P3 has found a marker that survived the purge?) I hear them quite clearly, obviously in the living room where I left them. And they sound like they’re arguing passionately:

Continue reading

13 June 2008, 3:03 am
Filed under: Goats | Tags: , , , ,

So yesterday morning over waffles, P2 was trying like crazy to push P3’s buttons: pretending to take bites of her breakfast, or drink her juice (neither of which he would actually do — he’s prissy about other people touching anything he’s going to eat — but she doesn’t know that yet) and in general making her insane.  So when I told him to stop pretending because it was bothering his sister, he looked straight at me (with that look he has, the one that says “I still need you to drive me places and buy me toys, so I will tolerate your stupidity until you buy me my own car….but just watch how smart I am in the meantime” Continue reading

10 April 2008, 9:22 am
Filed under: Goats | Tags: , , ,

I have no idea how it got to be the 10th of April already.  I swear it was just January?  As much as every day seems so much the same: same morning battles with the kids, same breakfast, same routine, same after-school insanity of homework and dinner and playtime and baths, and each day seems so DARN LONG, how can the weeks and months be flying by so quickly? 

I’m less than 3 weeks from finals, I have ginormous papers to be writing, and I am starting to freak out a little bit.  Continue reading