Waltz In Exile


I want to write, but I don’t have anything resembling a coherent post.  It’s all a jumbled bunch of crazy that I don’t even have time to flesh out into something comprehensible, let alone meaningful. (Which is not to say that I think I usually produce these fantastic universal nuggets of truth. I only mean that, usually, what I write has some meaning TO ME.  And what you’re about to see isn’t even going to be “laundry list” so much as “laundry pile.”  Well, forewarned is forearmed, or so I hear.  Onward!)

Continue reading

30 November 2010, 4:43 pm
Filed under: Family, Goats, P3, Photos | Tags:

I think I told you that we had a family wedding recently…? When I say “we” I mean 75% of Waltz Family were actually members OF the wedding party.

Guess who got to be one of the flower girls…? Continue reading

18 February 2010, 12:44 am
Filed under: Family, Goats, P3, Photos | Tags: ,

1 December 2009, 3:12 pm
Filed under: Family, For Fun, Goats, P2, P3 | Tags: , , ,

This morning, like every weekday morning, I got the kids up and herded them downstairs and let them snuggle under blankets on the couch while I got their breakfast.

This morning, like almost every weekday morning, the television was tuned to the news, because I’d been up watching it and having coffee since the IO woke me up at 5:30.

This morning, unlike most weekday mornings, Goat #2 was wide awake and cheerful and giggly, and when I tucked her in, she said “Sofa children?”

This morning, like any morning when Goat #2 is in a playful mood, she made me laugh out loud and I nodded and agreed “Yes, sofa children.”

This morning, unlike any other morning, instead of smiling happily that I found her amusing, Goat #2 actually cackled with glee at me and yelled “Sofa Children!” like it was the funniest thing she’d ever heard.

This morning, unlike most mornings, grumpy not-morning-goat Goat #1 laughed out loud, too, and exchanged a glance with Goat #2 over (what I thought was) her cleverness.

And then, this morning became like every other morning since Goat #1 was born, when he shattered my illusions* by saying “She wants a SHOW FOR CHILDREN, Mom.”

Like, DUH.


* Two days before Goat #1 was born, at what turned out to be my last prenatal appointment, the doctor affirmed a “very healthy 8 poundsish little girl to be born in about two weeks.”  Two days later, my 9 pound, 12 ounce boy made his debut.

P.S. I hate to finally post again without addressing the long absence, but we’ll consider that part of the theme today, shall we?  I simply had to share this; I have a zillion things I want to post/share/get out of my head, but they’ll have to hold just a bit longer.  However, I DID find my camera (poor maligned IO, accused of eating it) so I should be posting some very cute pictures soon, as well as dumping the contents of my scattered brain for (all seven of) you to enjoy.


I know, I know: I totally suck. I’m worse than Trannyhead; she’s at least growing another human being and has some excuse. Also, she included hawt seasonal Sumo pictures. I’m not even going to have any cute goat photos to distract you with, because I can’t find my camera.

I’ve neglected my blog. I’ve neglected YOUR blogs. My feed reader shows triple digit “new” posts. And when I tried to catch up a little bit today, the first thing I read was Steph’s great post about connecting with people via teh interwebz and I felt so effing bad I couldn’t continue. Also, fadkog and Auds have posted about thirty gajillion times since the last time I managed and now I’m overwhelmed with how far behind I’ve fallen and can’t write a word. Continue reading

31 July 2009, 4:26 pm
Filed under: Exile, P3 | Tags: , , , ,

You know the thing I’m discovering about motherhood? Those hard and fast rules I made for myself? Not really so hard and fast. I find myself changing my mind a lot, actually.

The latest example? My insistence on proper vocabulary and word use, which I really thought was a stellar idea: Continue reading

Liveblogging: Goat-free Hour #13
13 June 2009, 9:37 pm
Filed under: Family, Goat-free, Goats, Liveblogging, P2, P3, Quiet (I think I remember this) | Tags: ,

We’ve been trying unsuccessfully to call Goat Grandma on her cell phone for the past 90 minutes.

This made us more than just a little bit nervous. Continue reading

11 June 2009, 11:58 pm
Filed under: Family, Goats, Marriage, P2, P3, Survey/Poll | Tags: , , , ,


The goats’ grandma is coming this weekend, and I have a problem.

And I need all (11) of you people to help me. (Oh, stop. This isn’t a woe-is-me, ack my MIL is visiting post.) Continue reading

31 May 2009, 8:31 pm
Filed under: Family, For Fun, Goats, Over Herd, P2, P3 | Tags: , ,

This is my life.

Goat #1 and Goat #2 are playing Play-Doh at the kitchen island.  I am standing on the other side of the counter, trying to get things ready for lunch (not easy without using the island space I normally use) and Goat Daddy is around the corner in the laundry room.

Goat #2 to Goat #1:  Look at all my parrots I made!

Goat #1:  Wow!  That IS a lot of parrots!

Goat #2:  I know!

Goat #1:  That’s like…like…that’s an ARMY of parrots!

Goat #2:  Yes!  An ARMY of parrots!

Goat Daddy:  So that would make them parrot troopers…?

Everyday is like this, people.  Every. Day.

And no, I’m not complaining.

Speechless Sunday
31 May 2009, 1:01 am
Filed under: Family, For Fun, Goats, P2, P3, Photos | Tags:
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